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About HuMa

We focus our work on legal reform issues related to land and other natural resources.

We stand on the realization that legal problems faced by the community cannot be explained and resolved by using a normative legal approach alone. A broader perspective is needed to place the process of law formation, implementation and enforcement in the local, national and global socio-economic-political context. On this basis, we deem it necessary to develop discourses, theories, and methodologies for the study of alternative law and society that are critical and in accordance with the needs of the community.


Get to know us more

HuMa members come from academics, activists, and lawyers backgrounds, namely: Abdias Yas, SH.; Andik Hardiyanto, SH.; Andiko, SH., MH.; Ir. Andri Santosa; Asep Yunan Firdaus, SH., MH.; Bernadinus Steni Sugiarto, SH., MH.; Chalid Muhammad, SH.; Conkordius Kanyan, SH.; Dahniar Andriani, SH., MID.; Ir. Didin Suryadin Natadisastra; Dr. Herlambang P. Wiratraman; Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Nurjaya, SH, MH.; Ifdhal Kasim, SH.; Julia Kalmirah, SH., MA.; Dr. Kurnia Warman, SH. M. Hum.; Marina Rona, SH., MH.; Martje Leninda Palijama, SH.; Dr. Myrna Asnawati Safitri, SH., MH.; Drs. Noer Fauzi Rachman, Phd.; Dr. Rikardo Simarmata, SH.; Rival Gulam Ahmad, SH., LLM; Prof. Ronald Z. Titahelu; Sandrayati Moniaga, SH; Susi Fauziah; Drs. Stephanus Masun, MA.; and (late) Prof. Soetandyo Wignjosoebroto, MPA., and (late) Edison R. Giay SH.

Members Profile